Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pro-gun group plans meeting

Local resident Art Thomm is no stranger to the gun debate, especially since the shooting rampage in Tucson, Arizona, which left six people dead and 13 wounded. The wounded included Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Thomm has long been active locally and at the state level in promoting gun owners' rights and responsibilities. He currently serves as Eastern Panhandle representative of the West Virginia Citizens Defense League, and he wants to share his message during a meeting this weekend. He will host an open-carry membership meeting and public forum to discuss a proposed bill as well as pending local litigation, Thomm said. "We aren't just looking to get more guns for more people, but law-abiding citizens should have the rights provided to them under the Constitution. And we're willing to have a stiffer law with stiffer penalties," Thomm said.

I think that law-abiding citizens should be allowed to own guns and have gun permits because they have been responsible and done everything right while they've been a citizen. If they do mess up and do something wrong i think that there should be a harsh penality. and depending on what the crime was they should either get their privlages suspended or taken away permenantly.

This has to do with government because their was just a tragidy in Tucson, Arizona. It has brought up a lot of questions about how affective our gun laws are. Its hard to regulate everyone because right now pretty much anyone can get their hands on a gun legal or not.


  1. I agree. To be able to carry a fire arms you must receive a license, and the requirements to get that license are very hard to meet. If you are a law abiding citizen, have no criminal record, and carry a gun or guns just because you have an interest, or for sport, you should be allowed to do so. It's the gun shops that need to stop selling guns to just anyone in order to make profit.

  2. Law abiding citizens should be allowed to care guns if they have a license to do so. I think that if you have anything on your record you should not be allowed to. There should be strict laws with guns and even harsh punishments.

  3. I agree, there is no reason why a person that has no mental issues or criminal record could not carry or own a gun. I do believe it is fair for those rights to be taken away if you commite a crime or show you are mentally unstable. To get a consealed weapons permit you have to have back grounds check, take a class and many other things done.
