Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Animal rehab centers still at work after BP spill


Dozens of animals are still being treated at Gulf Coast rescue centers five months after the capping of the Macondo oil well off the Louisiana coast. The animals include a baby sea turtle that escaped from a shark, only to get stuck in oil spilled from BP's well in the Gulf of Mexico, and a young dolphin that apparently was attacked by his mother and then swam into oil. The animals are among thousands rescued since more than 200 million gallons of oil began gushing from the well. Since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded April 20, rescue officials say 2,079 birds, 456 sea turtles, some terrapins and two dolphins have been plucked from the oil.Another 2,263 birds, 18 turtles and four dolphins were found dead with oil on them. Workers are seeking to determine whether crude from the BP well killed them.

This relates to government because when the oil spill happened the efforts of the government to help stop it were almost nonexistant. They did not take it upon themselves to find a solution to plug it and now five months after the oil well was capped animals and other wild life are stuff suffering the effects.

I think that the government should have down more to help plug the oil well. Even though it wasn't their fault that is exploded it's had a huge impact on the animals and wildlife living in the gulf. Their are organizations still trying to clean up the mess that took so long to plug.


  1. I somewhat agree, I feel that the government as well as BP should have paid more money to help fix the oil spill. Sure they came up with some "solutions" but they weren't always the smartest ideas. Its the company's fault for not double checking the work of their oil rigs and they should be held responsible for these animals' deaths'.

  2. I agree with Kayla because the government is spending so much money on things that aren't related to our well being. this is directly related to the american public because it really made a mess and the places close to the water smell and the beaches are so dirty from this that people can't even go on the beaches. Also it put gas prices up and may still be responsible for the gas prices rising. The company is largely at fault for the spill, but the government regulates and watches these companies, so they should have handled this more quickly than what they did.

  3. I agree as well. The government should've funded a better clean-up project to help fix the problem. Obviously the animals can't clean themselves, so the government should've been more considerate.

  4. Poor animals. :( Do more work! Didn't anyone tell these oil workers when they were little, clean up your mess? Uh, hello. Same thing applies here. I think we need more sufficient clean-up efforts, also.

  5. I agree, the government should have put forth more effort to help clean up the oil spill, and fix the problem. These poor animals are suffering now. i just wish the whole situation could have been avoided together, because i know a lot of animals couldnt be saved...

  6. I agree as well, even though it is not the governments fault, I feel it is still their responsibility to help take care of the spill. Anything that can cause danger to the earth, the animals, and to ourselves the government should step in. I love animals, and they should not have to suffer because of what we do. I also agree with Farmboy382, the oil spill effected us causing gas prices to go up. No one likes when gas goes up. So yes the government should have put in more effort to help.

  7. I agree, I think that if BP was doing what they where suppose to and making sure things like wouldn't happen. I think it is horrible that all these animals have to suffer from BP mistake. I hope they are more careful about what goes on from now on.

  8. I agree completely with you on this Kayla because those animals suffered and shouldnt of had to. The Government could of at least given some money to help clean up the mess but unfortunately all of those organizations had to do it on their own and it wasted 7 months.
