Thursday, March 10, 2011

Websites embrace cyberbullying software

Bullying has moved from the schoolyard to the Internet, and sometimes with tragic consequences. However, new behind-the-scenes technology is gaining a foothold to protect children from cyberbullying.

It is unsettling to hear experts say half of all teenagers encounter bullying online, and it drives 20 percent of them to think about suicide. A British company has a one-of-a-kind solution online sites in the United States are starting to embrace.
On a small but growing number of sites, software is starting to track conversations in search of bullying. Language -- certain words we can't use on TV -- are the primary triggers. But other clues include spelling, punctuation and the speed of keystrokes. The result is a psychograph.

I think this is important because there are so many young people who take what others say to heart and will actaully consider killing themselves. For those who actually go through with it we can only imagine what that does to their families. I feel really bad for kids who experience bullying and i think this is a good start to putting a stop to it.
this has to do with government beucase they are the ones embracing these new websites to try and put a stop to cyberbulling. I just watched on the news that Obama and his wife have taken an intersest in putting a stop to bullying which i think sends a good message.

Oil slips under $104 despite battles in Libya

Oil prices slipped below $104 a barrel on Thursday but still remain very expensive because of the intense battles around Libya's crude and gas facilities. Investors are keeping a close watch on developments in the country, especially as its crude production has fallen more than previously estimated as the fighting near key oil installations has intensified.Sentiment in the oil markets over the past few weeks has been driven by developments in North Africa, where Libya produces, in normal times, a little under 2 percent of the world's global oil needs. Though oil prices have dipped modestly over the past couple of days they remain at historically high levels.

We have been paying ridiculous amounts when we fill up our cars. I think that we need to tap into other sources of oil because the national average is at an all time high for the time of year. Gas prices always rise towards the start of summer so you can only imagine what they will be when that time comes. Americans already cannot afford the stuff that they need so i think the last thing that they need is to not be able to pay to put gas in their cars.

this has to do with government becuase the rising gas prices are affecting the improvement in our economy. People just started buying more and more goods but now it's dropped again becuase they don't want to pay for the gas to get to the stores. we need to consider getting our oil from somewhere else to inventing some other way to make our cars run.

Same-sex couples lead to marriage licenses doubling

At least as many same-sex couples as heterosexual couples - and possibly more - appear to have applied for marriage licenses since gay marriage was legalized in the DC last March.
Although the court does not differentiate between same-sex and heterosexual couples in its record-keeping, in previous years the number of applications varied by only 100 or less. So virtually all the increase is due to same-sex couples.Not everyone who got a marriage license lived in the District. Many couples came from Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware and other states farther afield.
The court doesn't keep track of how many couples actually wed. The licenses have no expiration date, and the only requirement is that the marriage be performed within District boundaries.

I don't think that it's good to allow people of the same sex to get "married." We've had only heterosexual marriages for so long and that's always worked out for us so i don;t know why it needs to be changed. i don't think it's fair that people from all over can travel their to get married. If they want the rules to apply to them i think that they should have to live there. With the increase or same sex marriage license it just goes to show you how many same sex couples there acutally are.

this has to do with government because DC just recently started allowing same sex marriages. it may persuade other states to do the same and they may have a conflict with the people of other states traveling to the district to get married and they must decide if the other states will reconize it as a legit marriage.

Rebels fight Gadhafi with heavy weapons, diplomacy

On thursday Libya's opposition battled for military and diplomatic advantage against Moammar Gadhafi.
France became the first country to formally recognize the rebels' newly created Interim Governing Council.
Germany said it froze billions in assets of the Libyan Central Bank and other state-run agencies. The U.S., UK, Switzerland, Austria and other countries have also frozen Gadhafi's assets. "The brutal suppression of the Libyan freedom movement can now no longer be financed from funds that are in German banks," Economy Minister Rainer Bruederle said. Both sides in Libya are lobbying for support from Western countries as their leaders debate whether to protect the rebels from Gadhafi's air force by putting a no-fly zone over some or all of the country. Britain and France have backed the rebels' calls for a no-fly zone, but the Obama adminstration has expressed deep reservations about involvement in another conflict in the greater Middle East.

I think that the conflicts in Libya are justified because they need to fix their government and make it more modern. However the way that they are going about it isn't good. They can't fight their battles on their own and since they are our allies it makes us involved. I think that the last thing that America needs right now is to get involved in another war.

This has to do with goverment because America getting involved in another conflict will really hurt us. our economy has already been drained because of the war in iraq and the middle east and we really can't afford anything else.