Thursday, March 10, 2011

Same-sex couples lead to marriage licenses doubling

At least as many same-sex couples as heterosexual couples - and possibly more - appear to have applied for marriage licenses since gay marriage was legalized in the DC last March.
Although the court does not differentiate between same-sex and heterosexual couples in its record-keeping, in previous years the number of applications varied by only 100 or less. So virtually all the increase is due to same-sex couples.Not everyone who got a marriage license lived in the District. Many couples came from Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware and other states farther afield.
The court doesn't keep track of how many couples actually wed. The licenses have no expiration date, and the only requirement is that the marriage be performed within District boundaries.

I don't think that it's good to allow people of the same sex to get "married." We've had only heterosexual marriages for so long and that's always worked out for us so i don;t know why it needs to be changed. i don't think it's fair that people from all over can travel their to get married. If they want the rules to apply to them i think that they should have to live there. With the increase or same sex marriage license it just goes to show you how many same sex couples there acutally are.

this has to do with government because DC just recently started allowing same sex marriages. it may persuade other states to do the same and they may have a conflict with the people of other states traveling to the district to get married and they must decide if the other states will reconize it as a legit marriage.


  1. I think, if you want to get married, go for it. Who cares what your sexuality is. No one should tell you that you can't love this person or that person, that sex or this sex. It's your own decision.

  2. I think it's sick for gays to be together in the first place and even worse for them to be able to get married and even adopt kids. I just think it's wrong and if your raised by gay parents, you probably have a bigger chance of being gay too. I just think it's wrong and they shouldn't be allowed to get married.

  3. I dont think it is right for sam sex couples to be able to get marriged. i believe it's moraly wrong. God didnt create man and man or women and woman, he created man and women for a reason. I think it's even worse when they adopt kids because that poor child will go though lots of bullying though out it's life because of their parent decission.
