Thursday, September 30, 2010

And they're out! Congress flees DC to campaign

Instead of finishing the bills that congress had already started they are more worried about their re-election they more eager to campaign before angry voters than compromise in Washington on tax cuts, child nutrition or a federal budget. The majority of  democrats are facing tough re-elecction fights. In both chambers Wednesday against their leaders' decisions to call off controversial votes, pass a temporary bill to keep the government running and head home. The measure to adjourn passed both chambers despite the protests. In the House, it passed by one vote — 39 Democrats joined Republicans in voting no.

Voters should be concerned with this because they need to be able to make an educated decision about who they want to put into office when it comes to election time.

I think the Senate should be more concerned about doing what's right for the country and less concerned about campaign season. They way they should try to become re elected is to make the right decisions for the country and show the voters who should be in office instead of them trying to prove to the voters they are the right ones when they haven't even finished what they've started.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Obama aide's exit could be prelude to more changes

President Barack Obama's top economic adviser. Lawrence Summers, is planning to leave at the end of this year. This could give the White House and it's officails an opportunity to redo its economic team after elections this November, voters are expected to take out their anger on democrats. Summers was the chief architect of some of the policies that played a role in the massive stimulus and the government bailout of the auto industry. He also was an advocate for the financial regulatory legislation Obama signed into law earlier this year. Summer's played a huge role in helping to improve our ecomony in desprate times and it really sucks that he's leaving.

i think people need to be concerned with the economy especailly people my age because when we grow up we are the ones that will be most effected by the economic changes and polices that they make now.

I think this could be an opportunity to make things happen if we find the right person to take over Summer's job. He did a good job so far so if we find someone who undos what he already did we will be in a mess. But if we find someone who can bring new ideas to add to the ones that govenment already has then it could benefit our economy.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Budget deficit on pace to hit $1.3 trillion

The federal government is on track to record the second-highest deficit of all time with one month left in the budget year. With one month to go, this years deficit racks up to 1.26 trillion. When it's all over it's said to end up being 1.3 trillion. The budget year ends on September 30, and is predicted to be slightly below last year's record which came out to be a $1.4 trillion deficit. All this money spending has voters doubting the democrats with this years midterm elections coming up we might see a few more republicans in the house. Americans need to be aware of the crazy amounts of their money the government is spending. People these days don't have enough money for themselves. The govenment needs to spend a little less and save a little more. America really needs to get out of this enormous debt. Most of which was created by the Obama administation.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


First the Americans were angry that there might be a muslim Mosque built near ground zero. Now the anger has turned towards a church in Flordia who plan to burn copies of the Quran. President Obama speaks out that this act will endanger our soilders because the muslims will feel like they are being treated unfairly. This church is trying to prove a point but much to drastically if they do this it will be sending the wrong signals. America is all about freedom of religion and religious tolerance.

I think people should be interested in this article because if copies of the Quran are burned like planned it could cause major problems between us and people of the muslim religion.

I agree that this should not be done i think the point they are trying to prove will be offensive to many. The churchs actions are way to extreme and i think it will come back with a bad outcome.