Thursday, September 9, 2010


First the Americans were angry that there might be a muslim Mosque built near ground zero. Now the anger has turned towards a church in Flordia who plan to burn copies of the Quran. President Obama speaks out that this act will endanger our soilders because the muslims will feel like they are being treated unfairly. This church is trying to prove a point but much to drastically if they do this it will be sending the wrong signals. America is all about freedom of religion and religious tolerance.

I think people should be interested in this article because if copies of the Quran are burned like planned it could cause major problems between us and people of the muslim religion.

I agree that this should not be done i think the point they are trying to prove will be offensive to many. The churchs actions are way to extreme and i think it will come back with a bad outcome.

1 comment:

  1. The church cleary doesn't understand the chaos this is going to cause. I understand that not everyone has the same religion, but like you said thats what America is all about; embracing different cultures and relgions. Burning copies of the Quran isn't going to keep muslims from practicing the religion, it's going to create a war against religions which is the last thing our country needs. Especially considering our president is still being questioned about his religion himself.
