Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Obama aide's exit could be prelude to more changes

President Barack Obama's top economic adviser. Lawrence Summers, is planning to leave at the end of this year. This could give the White House and it's officails an opportunity to redo its economic team after elections this November, voters are expected to take out their anger on democrats. Summers was the chief architect of some of the policies that played a role in the massive stimulus and the government bailout of the auto industry. He also was an advocate for the financial regulatory legislation Obama signed into law earlier this year. Summer's played a huge role in helping to improve our ecomony in desprate times and it really sucks that he's leaving.

i think people need to be concerned with the economy especailly people my age because when we grow up we are the ones that will be most effected by the economic changes and polices that they make now.

I think this could be an opportunity to make things happen if we find the right person to take over Summer's job. He did a good job so far so if we find someone who undos what he already did we will be in a mess. But if we find someone who can bring new ideas to add to the ones that govenment already has then it could benefit our economy.


  1. Good points! This is something that I was unaware of before reading your post. Thanks.

  2. From what my mom says, the economy is still pretty bad. I think the governtment needs to quit giving raises to all these high dollar employees and maybe make them have a pay freeze until things get better. YOu always see government officials and cops in brand new cars. Maybe make them drive the same car for a couple of years at least. That should cut down on a lot of costs, that can be put into the economy. I hope things improve quickly before our class gets out there looking for jobs!
