Thursday, September 30, 2010

And they're out! Congress flees DC to campaign

Instead of finishing the bills that congress had already started they are more worried about their re-election they more eager to campaign before angry voters than compromise in Washington on tax cuts, child nutrition or a federal budget. The majority of  democrats are facing tough re-elecction fights. In both chambers Wednesday against their leaders' decisions to call off controversial votes, pass a temporary bill to keep the government running and head home. The measure to adjourn passed both chambers despite the protests. In the House, it passed by one vote — 39 Democrats joined Republicans in voting no.

Voters should be concerned with this because they need to be able to make an educated decision about who they want to put into office when it comes to election time.

I think the Senate should be more concerned about doing what's right for the country and less concerned about campaign season. They way they should try to become re elected is to make the right decisions for the country and show the voters who should be in office instead of them trying to prove to the voters they are the right ones when they haven't even finished what they've started.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. who's supposed to be running things if they're all off trying to get re-elected. If they were doing their jobs well and taking care of things for the American public, people would be sure to vote for their re-election in November. I think that's what's wrong and why our economy isn't getting better faster, because people are more concerned over getting re-elected than doing the job they were elected already to do.
