Oil prices slipped below $104 a barrel on Thursday but still remain very expensive because of the intense battles around Libya's crude and gas facilities. Investors are keeping a close watch on developments in the country, especially as its crude production has fallen more than previously estimated as the fighting near key oil installations has intensified.Sentiment in the oil markets over the past few weeks has been driven by developments in North Africa, where Libya produces, in normal times, a little under 2 percent of the world's global oil needs. Though oil prices have dipped modestly over the past couple of days they remain at historically high levels.
We have been paying ridiculous amounts when we fill up our cars. I think that we need to tap into other sources of oil because the national average is at an all time high for the time of year. Gas prices always rise towards the start of summer so you can only imagine what they will be when that time comes. Americans already cannot afford the stuff that they need so i think the last thing that they need is to not be able to pay to put gas in their cars.
this has to do with government becuase the rising gas prices are affecting the improvement in our economy. People just started buying more and more goods but now it's dropped again becuase they don't want to pay for the gas to get to the stores. we need to consider getting our oil from somewhere else to inventing some other way to make our cars run.
The gas prices are outrageous. And I know we are all young, but still. We have plenty of other things we'd rather be buying with our money then wasting it on gas to get us to and from school, work and wherever else. I think tapping into other sources is a good idea.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Gas prices are horrible! and if they get higher in the summer people aren't going to be able to afford to go on vacation. It's also effected grocery prices because of the trucks having to deliever and having to pay higher fuel prices too. Obama needs to come up with a plan to put a cap on fuel prices and find other sources to get fuel from.
ReplyDeleteI agree that gas prices are way to ridiculous!! Just think about those people that have big cars like trucks that have like a 40 something gallon tank.. which that means they have to pay like 120 dollars when they fill up THATS RIDICULOUS!!!! We should and we NEED to tap into our supplies and if prices go down then maybe we can get it from where we were again.
ReplyDeletei agree that gas is getting out of hand, but i think that the solution lies in other means than tapping more oil fields. If we worked harder to find alternate energy sources and in the meantime made changes to the way that we go about our everyday lives, we would get out of this problem. This is hypothetical of course