Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Health Care


           The health care law had its first setback Monday when a federal judge declared that the heart of the legislation is unconstitutional. The decision handed Republicans ammunition for their repeal effort next year.
The ruling was made by U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson, who is a Republican appointee in Richmond, Virginia. It's been said that The a requirement for all Americans to carry insurance is unconstitutional and above congress' power. But administration officials and outside analysts agree that important provisions of the legislation could not go forward without the requirement for everyone to be insured. That's because insurers need to have large pools of healthy people, who are cheap to insure, or it is not financially tenable for them to extend coverage to those with pre-existing medical problems

           This relates to government because it's one of the current issues that we are dealing with. If this law is passed and everyone is required to buy health care it will have an impact on our generation. We will be the ones who test it.

           I think that having everyone have health care insurance is a good idea. Those of us who do have it now usually end up paying for the ones who don't anyways so we should just go ahead and provide them with care. and like they said the need healthy people to pay into the system so that insurance companies can afford to provide care for those who are unhealthy.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, everyone needs healthcare but for those who can't afford it I think it is hurting them. It's something else they have to pay for. I am not really for or against it. I find it hard to have a strong opinion and things like this when it doesn't affect me. I hope someone benefits from it though.
