Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Obama hosts Hu as world powers seek common ground

President Barack Obama welcomed Chinese President Hu Jintao to the White House on Wednesday with full honors, a red carpet and a color guard. But the two leaders wasted no time in delivering pointed messages to each other at the start of daylong meetings to address trade, security and human rights issues that have been the cause of past strain between the two powers. Obama said each country had an enormous stake in the other's future, and he then referenced human rights.For his part, Hu said the relationship between the two powers should be based on "mutual respect," with each country respecting the other's core interests and choices of development paths — suggesting limits to how far the U.S. can push China on issues from currency to human rights.

I think the United States needs to keep a stong relationship with China. China is huge compition to the United States because it's so powerful. But we need them because they have cheap labor and produce i ton of products for America.

This has to do with government because if our relationship with China ended our economy would be in trouble and the government is responsible for the outcome of this meeting.

New Alabama governor Just Christians are his family

Alabama Governor Robert Bentley told a church crowd just moments into his new administration that those who have not accepted Jeses as their savior are not his brothers and sisters, shocking some critics who now question whether he can be fair to non-Christians. After his speech, Bentley said he did not mean to insult anyone."The governor clearly stated that he will be the governor of all Alabamians including Democrats, Republicans and Independents, young, old, black and white, rich and poor.

I think that Governor Robert Bentley's comment is very inappropriate. When you become a public figure you need to appeal to most everyone your representing. I bet this comment insulted a lot of people and now they cant really trust that their governor is going to take what they said into consideration because he made them sound beneath him.

This has to do with government because the governor is a new addition to our government and it also ties into the way some people feel about president Obama not being a Christian and their feelings towards that.

Gilbert focusing on illegal immigration

Delegate Todd Gilbert has introduced three bills to the Virginia General Assembly to address illegal immigration, including one designed to determine the cost taxpayers incur for every illegal child enrolled in public schools. The 3 bills will range from law enforcement to gangs and public assistance.
Gilbert's House Bill 1775 would require someone registering a child in a public school to provide documentation of the immigration status or citizenship of that child. He said it's not meant to keep a list of illegal students or keep people from enrolling in school but to find a cost associated with educating them.

I think that it's very unfair for tax payers to be stuck with paying for illegal immigrants. They are given the opportunity to become a real citizen and they should take that opportunity. It's not fair that they dont have to pay taxes or anything like that if the want to live like an American they should be treated like one too.

This has to do with goverment because our country really has a problem with illegal immigrants. We need to figure out some way to prevent it or atleast reduce it.

Pro-gun group plans meeting

Local resident Art Thomm is no stranger to the gun debate, especially since the shooting rampage in Tucson, Arizona, which left six people dead and 13 wounded. The wounded included Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Thomm has long been active locally and at the state level in promoting gun owners' rights and responsibilities. He currently serves as Eastern Panhandle representative of the West Virginia Citizens Defense League, and he wants to share his message during a meeting this weekend. He will host an open-carry membership meeting and public forum to discuss a proposed bill as well as pending local litigation, Thomm said. "We aren't just looking to get more guns for more people, but law-abiding citizens should have the rights provided to them under the Constitution. And we're willing to have a stiffer law with stiffer penalties," Thomm said.

I think that law-abiding citizens should be allowed to own guns and have gun permits because they have been responsible and done everything right while they've been a citizen. If they do mess up and do something wrong i think that there should be a harsh penality. and depending on what the crime was they should either get their privlages suspended or taken away permenantly.

This has to do with government because their was just a tragidy in Tucson, Arizona. It has brought up a lot of questions about how affective our gun laws are. Its hard to regulate everyone because right now pretty much anyone can get their hands on a gun legal or not.